AVM: Liberty Square


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In big cities the environment is surrounded by prolific information-overflow which influences our travel experience. What is also evident is the shift of attention towards the private digital space of the inhabitant’s smartphones. Audio-visual map is an experiment based on these facts, exploring an alternative audio-visual version of public spaces.During Summer session residency at Chronus Art Centre and ACDC programme at Kitchen Budapest Gábor Pribék with his musician friend Lajos Kolozsvári created a digital composition that interprets the streets as a musical score. The structure and units of the buildings are transformed into simplified 3D graphics, and a multilayered ambient music is designed for the specific locations in the area. Walking in the streets generates a musical composition, an opposite of the linear playing of music associated with 3D visuals. This expands the original function of the space, transforming it into a digitalized audio-visual experience.
The experiment is a diptych with two versions. The geolocation based version can be explored on the actual streets on the Liberty Square with this app and earphones. The other version is based on immersive virtual reality, which can be experienced through a VR headset, controller and headphones.
Use the app with GPS enabled on the Liberty Square Budapest. Once the GPS localization is estabilished please walk around in the park and the streets around it to explore the music.